- 1 x Pennywort Pot (Hydocotyle Leucocephyala)
- 2 x Cabomba Caroliniana (Cabomba, Green)
- 2 x Ludwigia Natans (Ludwigia Repens)
- 2 x Vallisneria Asiatica Var. Biwaensis (Corkscrew Val)
- 2 x Hemianthus Callitrichoides (Potted) (Dwarf Baby Tears)
- 2 x Echinodorus Barthii (Red Melon)
- 1 x Cryptocoryne Walkeri Pot
- 1 x Anubias Barteri Var. Nana Pot
- 1 x Bacopa Monnieri Pot

After putting the plants in the algae took over. I understand that this is normal for newly planted tanks but with only 4 female guppies I felt something needed to be done. I went out and got 10 glass shrimp and 4 albino cory's. On Saturday, I changed 30% of the water and trimmed the vals back, and moved the nana to the front. Between all of these steps, the algae is toning down and t

While surfing the net, I couldn't resist bidding on 20 Cherry Red Shrimp. I won them for $20 and they should be here by Wedne

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