In the year 2009, I rediscovered my interest in aquariums.
As a child I had a single 10 gallon tank which I filled with sand and plants from my home in Crystal Lake, IL. I actually took 2 garbage cans to Crystal Lake and scooped out sand and plants. I added guppies and had a forested breeding ground that lasted for a couple of years.
This year, my son (4) finally started to use the potty instead of diapers. A reward to him was a fish tank with some easy to care for fish. As time went by and I had to prepare to clean the tank, I took the kids to PetCo and started to get new supplies. I wanted a fluorescent hood, and a new filter, and...I paused. Why do this when for nearly the same price I could get a 37g kit! I did, my wife wasn't pleased but I was.
I added some plant 'bulbs' that I got from PetSmart and within a short time I had live plants growing! This awakened my childhood desire to create a planted tank that was both functional and attractive.
A Hard Sell
I had need of a seperate tank for fry (guppies again), and I had given away the 10g to my niece. So, after a lot of discussion I sold my wife on the idea of getting a 10g with a good light and eco-complete substrate. This would house the fry and a whole forest of plants.
This blog is devoted to my efforts to create this planted tank....
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