Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's been a long time...

So much has happened since 2010.  I moved to Colorado, have a new job and chaos everywhere.  Hadn't thought much about aquariums until a couple of weeks ago when my eight year old son came home with a 10g tank he bought at a garage sale.

Well, it didn't take long for me to get back into it.  First we setup the 10g and got 2 Albino cory's, 4 neons and 4 guppies from Petsmart.  One guppy was dead by time we got home and the other 3 lasted about a week.  Neons were doing so well I got 4 more.

I got my son a small tank for his desk and put a Betta in.  Betta lasted about a week.  Not sure about Petsmart in Fort Collins....

Went to D&G and got him 2 guppies that seemed to be doing great, but today the male was dead.  Is it something about our water?

Going to replace the 10g with a 20 high and try planting again.  Getting a Ray2 light that seems to meet everything I need.  Also need to get the co2 tank filled.

Got back on Plantedtank.com and talked to some nice people about plants.